Friday, October 31, 2008

Who said it was SAFE to work for Verizon? Perfect for Halloween.

Safe? I think NOT! I think he should be getting hazard pay! This is PERFECT for Halloween!

Ok, for the record I HATE SPIDERS! They freak me out, SO SO bad! Jim was working the other night when he hears (YES I SAID HEARS) a noise behind him. It's dark so he shines his flashlight and it's this spider. So what does he do? He decides that he is going to video it and get pictures. I think that was so if it ate him we would find his phone and have evidence. So he put his phone on the ground then tried to shoo the spider. Both of the videos on here are really short but you HAVE to see this!

Leave it to Jim to try and make it mad, see the fangs?

Look at the size of this thing, it's a REAL door thingy (help me out Karrie), and those are big. I wonder if he could hear it breathing? This is creeping me out. I had nightmares after he showed me.

I guess it is a Tarantula. Now I know they live here, and I know we actually LIVE in a migration path, but I have NEVER seen one. If I do I will probably pass out and it will probably eat me. They are furry for goodness sake! I asked Jim why he didn't kill it and he said "Are you kidding, the fangs would have came through me shoe, besides my foot isn't big enough." So he shooed it out of the man's house. The man acted like it was a normal occurrence. FREAK! If that was "normal" I would hire and exterminator.


Karrie said...

That is the creepiest thing ever- I ran one over in the road and it gave me the shivers. I HATE those things- I think they might be worse than snakes. And you can tell Sami I said that sweating is over-rated.

Grammy said...

Ther are many things that creep me out, big hairy spiders in my house would be one of them, if they stay outside I don't mind so much, once they come in though I will find the closest thing I can to smash it. Although that would be pretty hard with a tarantula. I still hate crawly crunchy bugs worse!