Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Dreaded Day has arrived

I knew it would one day come to an end, but it was something I wasn't prepared for and really as I look back, there was NO way to really prepare for this. Sonic no longer has Mango lime slushes. Please let me know if you know where I would go to detox from this.


BushlingX7 said...

I was so disappointed the other day when I was down there and wanted one and they said they nolonger sell mango slushes. I am glad I never tried because I might have been in a major funk because of it. Good luck with the withdrawls. We will need to find something to replace it.

Unknown said...

You could make one at home ..... just a thought?

Grammy said...

Make one at home? No way, it just won't be the same. You could come detox at my house, and I won't tell anyone, then they won't know where to find you, and you can relax and pretend you are somewhere wonderful like the beach. That should help with the withdrawls! Or not, it's hard to pretend with all the rocks and dirt, but I try...