Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rafting on the Kern River

So there is a sign at the mouth of they canyon that says 242 died in this river since 1968. (which has been updated recently I think) WHO in their right mind would go play in this thing? I said in their right mind... so yes I did, with Trever and Alex, and Tylee and Hannah! For summer school they get a free raft trip, and the over protective mom I am I had to go because I was terrified for them. If it was just me and Jim with NO kids it would be lots of fun, but I have anxiety issue's over water and my kids.

We had a lot of fun, we all went last year too so I did know what to expect. Our guide did fall out of the raft and I panicked a little because I DON'T RAFT BY MYSELF, and because I had to get him back in! Other than that we did good, both Alex and Trever hopped out and played in the water where they were allowed to! Marci, I'm ready for the big rapids... with NO kids!


Grammy said...

Just sayin'...I don't think that sign has been updated lately... at least not in the past year I've lived here.
I think rafting sounds fun, with no kids of course!

BushlingX7 said...

Lets go in a week or so - it will be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO fun!! Glad your day went well!!