Not a whole lot to say. We were in Cal City they had pretty good teams but a HORRIBLE field with NO clock or score board. I charged and brought my camera and I go to take it out of the case and I had left it on the whole ride down, so it was dead. I think the boys do better when I'm not filming. Trever had the only 2 touchdowns for his team, I think they won by 1. The first was about a 50 yard in the first minute of the game. The second was so funny... we were standing near the sidelines and he cuts over and he is running towards us but is looking down and behind him a little so I tell him look in front of you. He does and pulls away from the kid to make another 50 yard TD. So Jim asks him what he was doing and he says...
TREV: "last week a kid stepped one foot out of the line and they called him down. I didn't want to do that so I was watching the line."
Very funny, we told him he was much faster if he watched in front of him, just don't get too close to the line.
Senior Broncos slip past Cal City
If Alex's team doesn't start winning by a lot more then I may just die on the sidelines of a heart attack. It was a VERY intense game and the newspaper article is good but still doesn't do it justice. (Not to mention it said Alex only had 6 tackles and I am positive he had more, and they don't go into the fact that they were REALLY great hits, or all the assists.) He did good. The refs were SO bad! Cori mentioned we were just having a reffing clinic on the sidelines and we decided that's what our volunteer work is every Saturday we help the refs with their calls and let them know when their not doing very well. Ya know, it's just all for the kids so we do what we can. They won, in the dark with the other team within a few yards of scoring, and the refs making 3 minutes last almost 30, and we couldn't argue because we had NO clock! Finally they decided they looked stupid because they couldn't score on the 5 yard line after like 30 minutes and penalties and whatever they could pull on us. Terry even mentioned a new call for that game, it's a "Red Zone Infraction" which meant... if our team came withing 10 yards of scoring, the refs automatically called us for a 15 yard BOGUS penalty, almost EVERY time. Jim got nervous after the game, playing ball in L.A. where they had riots and shootings after a game that intense, he got everyone to the car and we went with Alex's team to Pizza. The kids had fun, Jimi got to eat with Ryan (her boyfriend) Trever was playing con-man and this kid on Alex's team spent like $15 to win Trever a stuffed animal. I will be glad when football is over, but it looks like these guys are going to go pretty far into playoffs, and Jimi still has cheer competition so it won't be over until Nov. 22nd! YUCK!
Sami is getting shafted in the whole blog thing, she never gets posts. I'll have to do an all Sami post here soon. She just goes and plays with Caleb (Ryan's brother). We tell her he's way too young for her, she gets mad because she says she's babysitting. Really she's just playing and getting really dirty.
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner
9 years ago
Getting REALLY dirty! She is a great babysitter, and she is young enough she hasn't started demanding money yet! Perfect child all around.
PawPaw in da house! Finally took the time to figure out how to post comments after all the months of reading the blog and trying to post comments unsuccessfully. I am here now. The blog is great! The kids are fantastic! Now if I can find spell check and remember my password I will be OK. Love you guys,
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