make it to tomorrow! Kids started summer school today. It is more for fun, they have school from 9am to almost noon, then they get to play until 5:30. They feed them breakfast and lunch, then they get to swim, art, sports and I think even guitar classes, which Alex is super excited for. When we lived in Colorado they had a "modified year round school". This consisted of starting the school year in September like normal, then having a few extra two week breaks, like spring break was two weeks instead of one, and Christmas break was two or even three weeks and then maybe two more long breaks like that throughout the year. School would get out in the first week of July (or something like that) and they only had like a month or 6 week summer. They did this because it is a fact that kids loose 80% of what they learned in the school year JUST over the 3 month summer. Then they spend the first month of the school year refreshing what they learned the year before. It doesn't make any sense. So I like the idea of keeping it fresh in their minds over the summer. I also liked the year round school because vacations were so much better because it wasn't matched with everyone else in the country. I think it will be good for them to stay busy and my house could use the break, it is a wreck and it is starting to bother me that we haven't had a chance to remodel anything for a long time. So, I am currently working in the girls room, here are my plans:
1. clean, (of course) weed through all old toys and cloths and throw it all out, my friend Tina and I am going to have a yard sale in a few weeks, so I better get a move on.
2. paint their beds, and dressers. Right now their walls are a peachy orange (it sounds bad but it is a neat color)I am thinking of black, just listen... chalkboard black boarder around the top, then some BIG polka dots. Then they could write on their walls, and I could put neat motivational sayings on them. My friend Marci has my new favorite on her blog it says "When life is too hard to stand...KNEEL" this is my life motto right now.
3.For those that have seen my house you know of the GREEN carpet in the rooms. I am going to tear that all out. I have been looking at staining the concrete, you can do this NEAT acid wash thing, and what's the worst that can happen? I can always cover it with carpet.
The biggest problem with all of my plans is finding the time. It isn't going to cost hardly anything, but it will take a lot of time. I am going to be working constantly for a few days, I thought I would update now before I have no more time. i will try to post pictures, before and afters, but right now it is so messy that I wouldn't dare take a picture.
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner
9 years ago
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