I make these every year, sometimes kept sometimes not. Usually when they are kept it's by coincidence. Jim just rolls his eyes, but here they are.
1. Get better at managing money, I really really stink in this department. Great at many things and a complete failure at this one.
2. Get organized. I don't feel like I have enough room for cloths and stuff that has been acquired in the last 6 years. I have a friend, yes Karrie, that lives in a 5th wheel trailer for goodness sakes. I can fit our crap in this house. I need to start with the girls closet. It's full of cloths they don't wear. Moving quickly onto Jim's then even more quickly onto goodwill so Jim doesn't know what I have taken.
3. Get fit. Hopefully that will get my weight down, and back into my very favorite pair of jeans. I can here Jim's sigh and eye roll from here. I seem to make this one EVERY year.
4. Continue to be a better communicator, with everyone. In other words find a filter that fits and use it!
That's really it. Not too much to set myself up for failure. I looked at last years and did quiet a few of them and it made me laugh so this was my life last year.
a. going to Sunday School AND Relief Society in the SAME day!
~I am still working on this, I do MOST of the time but I get side tracked sometimes
b. not getting a speeding ticket (that doesn't mean slow down, that means NOT getting caught)
~ I DID it! I swear, and I did actually slow down A LOT! Don't laugh, I did, and this meant I didn't get ANY tickets. I did get pulled over a few times, on my birthday and maybe once or twice at other times.
c. not sweating the small stuff. Who cares if my house is a little messy, I have 4 kids in a cracker box. Who cares if EVERY pair of socks in the house are clean AND folded? Who says dinner can't be cookies once in awhile? Who cares if I neglect my home once every couple weeks to just blog and play?
~ This is the one that I did without meaning to. Yes laundry finally got better towards the end of the year but it was a long wait. But I do have to say this is why #2 this year.
d. I AM going to sing in front of people, besides my kids... although I have the sweetest thing I have ever heard in my WHOLE life that made ME cry! Trever is so much my favorite this week! I will blog on that later!
~ I did it. Thanks to Mindy Young. The first verse sucked so bad, but when I finally realized if I would stop being nervous it would sound a lot better I got through it.
e. I'm going to try not to procrastinate, but I will probably work on that one later, after I master the others.
~ I'll still work on this later. hahahaha
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner
9 years ago